Annual General Meeting

Your opportunity to ask questions of the Board of Trustees and RSC leadership team

Annual General Meeting - Monday 1 July 2024

We would like to invite you to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 1 July 2024 at 18:00 (UK time) either in person at Burlington House or online – look out for your personal invitation link, which we will email you.

At the meeting, our President Gill Reid and Chief Executive Helen Pain will present a review of our achievements for the chemical sciences in the past year and our Honorary Treasurer Claire Gallery-Strong will provide members with a summary of the RSC’s financial position. We will also note the election of members to our governance bodies and welcome our new President, Annette Doherty.

The AGM offers a great opportunity for members to ask questions of the Board of Trustees and the Leadership Team and we are keen to hear your views on our activities.


Invitation to a Special Lecture

Harnessing the small to tackle the big problems

We would also like to invite you to attend a special lecture, preceding the AGM at 17.00 (UK time) by Professor Ijeoma Uchegbu HonFRSC FMedSci, Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience at University College London. Drug development is a risky process with only about 1 in 5,000 molecules examined ending up as new medicines. Professor Uchegbu will describe how using nanoparticles to formulate medicines helps control drug transport around the body; effectively making medicines more efficacious and reducing side effects.

All are welcome, and attendance will be possible both in person at Burlington House, and online using the same personal invitation link sent to you for the AGM.


Members attending in Burlington House are invited to a cheese and wine reception at 18:45-19:30, where you can network with Trustees, RSC staff, and other members.

AGM documents and videos

Find documents and videos related to our AGM below.

AGM notice

View the notice for the RSC 2024 AGM.

Download 2024 AGM notice  
View the RSC 2024 AGM

View RSC 2024 AGM recording and our special lecture delivered by Professor Ijeoma Uchegbu.

Download recording  
2023 Trustees report

View the RSC Trustees' report and financial statements for 2023.

View Trustees' report  
Information from our 2023 AGM

View documents and recordings from the RSC 2023 AGM.

View RSC 2023 AGM
Information from our 2022 AGM

View documents and recordings from the RSC 2022 AGM.

View RSC 2022 AGM
Information from our 2021 AGM

View documents and recordings from the RSC 2021 AGM.

View RSC 2021 AGM